Sitemap - 2023 - Just Another Canadian Dissident.

The National Citizen's Inquiry final report.

Are you "drawn to the opposite of bullshit?"

The case of a fatal and fiery car crash at the Rainbow Bridge, Niagara Falls.

Am keeping a close eye on the state of affairs in Argentina and El Salvador.

SHOT DEAD. A documentary.

Listening now, in real time, to Russell Brand speaking live with Dr. Peter McCullough.

Elon Musk: "We should just be concerned about AI being anti-human."

Regrets? I've had a few...


Boots on the ground:

"What In The World Are They Spraying?"

And The Booby Prize Goes To...

Just Add English Subtitles...

Mr. Speaker: "And we thank him for all his service"...

Prior to the pandemonium I was a-political.

"A man (or woman) is known by...

What happened at the Million Person March for Children in YOUR town?

"A warm welcome to today's talk"...

🎼I'm Justin Uhh Trudeau...🎵

"Curiosity Killed The Cat"

The Million Person March

CNN actually did some reporting here?

Before "Sound of Freedom" was filmed in Columbia South America 5 years ago...

Female Canadian Navy member takes to social media to endorse pedophilia...

Moving Toward a Global Empire: Humanity Sentenced to a Unipolar Prison and a Digital Gulag.

Bill UHouse Interview:

Military Intelligence Officer (whistleblower) claims US has secret UFO retrieval program.

Watch "Plandemic: The Great Awakening".

Dr. Stanton Hom was censored and de-platformed in 2021.

Professional Misconduct’ Case Against Ontario Doctor Critical of COVID Measures to Be Decided by Tribunal...

An Open Letter to Vivek Ramaswamy:

Dr. Kevin Stillwagon: A comprehensive discussion about the immune system...

The Unseen Crisis: